It's time to change my Saturday cardio workout. I try to do this every four weeks for a couple of reasons. First, it makes it more interesting. Second, it challenges my body in different ways.
There was a time when it was hard for me to come up with new routines. In hindsight, the main reason wasn't so much a lack of imagination as it was a lack of material. In other words, I hadn't been exposed to enough different routines, or even pieces of routines, that I then could put together into a new routine.
But as I've read more and more, and seen more and more in action at Velocity, I've begun to put together a portfolio that I can draw from.
So today I'm going to try a variation of something I read in the March Men's Health -- the hourglass drill the magazine says the University of Connecticut basketball team uses. You sprint in a diagonal line from one corner of the court to the other, then shuffle along the baseline to the opposite corner, sprint from there again in a diagonal line to the far corner of the other baseline, then shuffle back to your starting point.
I don't have a basketball court -- just a yoga studio at the gym. So I'll probably run through this three times in a row before resting, and then do it again. I figure that'll leave me gasping for oxygen.
As with all my cardio, it'll include a quick warm-up and cool-down and I'll be in out in less than 30 minutes.
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