I got lucky at the gym today. A kettlebell was left out. They keep them locked up for some silly reason. So I quickly put it somewhere it was less likely to be found by the staff and finished lifting. I had plans for it.
When I went into the yoga studio to do my intervals, I grabbed it. Here's what I did. I put it at one end of the room, sprinted to it, picked it up and did walking kettlebells swings to the other end, then did side slides (just going sideways by pushing off with my trailing leg) down and back, and then picked the kettlebell up again and did the walking swing backwards. It was hard but good.
Kettlebells are a great way to work out, either as resistance training or as a way to juice your intervals. You can even buy a couple and easily use them at home. There are tons of resources online with ideas for how to use them.
Here's a nice video that demonstrates the walking kettlebell swing.
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