Sunday, March 30, 2008

Going Too Far?

I'm a deep believer that you make progress with your training only when you push yourself. All those people who go to the gym and simply go through the motions, using light weights or never boosting the speed on the treadmill, will never see their bodies change.

But can you go too far? A training program called Crossfit may do just that, at least according to a recent article in the New York Times Magazine.

I've wondered about Crossfit for a while now, because I love the idea of trying something that's a bit extreme. Plus, it uses many moves that I love, Olympic lifts that use almost every part of your body.

But any training plan that seems to encourage injuries definitely goes too far. Of course the only real way to find out if Crossfit is too extreme -- and possibly cult-like -- is to try it.

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