Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Personal Best, Every Workout

Super-trainer Jason Ferruggia, whose workouts I've used and liked, frequently talks about going for a personal record each workout. A personal best can come in different forms -- a bit more weight, one more rep, a longer interval or a shorter recovery time between intervals.

But the key thing about his approach is that it causes you to push yourself each and every workout.

I like this approach. Tonight at the gym I set personal bests in three different exercises. Sure, each was small, one more rep on one for instance. But if you walk into the gym every time ready to do better than before, chances are you'll do it. Maybe not every time but often than not.


Anonymous said...

Any suggestions for the times when you are at the gym and you just don't have it? Things aren't clicking. Stop? Plough ahead ?

Erle Norton said...

I think it depends -- do you think it's mental or physical? If you think it's simply mental, then plow ahead. I've had that happen many times and once I plowed ahead, I soon began to feel better.

On the other hand, I've known when I physically didn't have it and then I left the gym. That's rare but it does happen and you have to listen to your body then.

So try to figure out where that resistance is coming from.

I hope that helps.