Sunday, September 23, 2007

Rule No. 1

There's an old saying that says if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right. That can -- and does -- apply to many facets of training. But here's where it applies most -- form.

I learned this lesson yet again a little more than a week ago when I was doing squats. I went up in weight and on my third set got to the bottom of the movement and realized it was going to be tough going getting back up. So I panicked a bit and lost proper form in an effort to just get the weight up. I immediately felt it in my lower back, which I'd allowed to round.

Today I squatted for the first time since then. I paid attention to my form the entire time, starting the movement by sitting back, not bending my knees, keeping my shoulder blades together and stomach braced. And even though my back still has bothered me a bit in recent days, I was fine and felt great after the workout.

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