Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Please Limit Your Usage

That's what a sign in the cardio area of my gym says -- please limit your usage. The idea, of course, is that so many people want to get on those elliptical machines and treadmills that you need to limit the time you spend on them.

But I know how to limit your usage -- do something else. People spend far too much time on those machines, and get too few results. There are times when it seems like the same people are on them when I start and finish my workout, which includes cardio.

Here was my cardio tonight: one-arm dumbbell snatches, four per arm; five box jumps; 10 ice skaters (jumping side to side quickly as if you're skating); eight burpees; and five medicine ball throw-downs (raise it over your head and using your core throw it straight down).

Run through eight sets, each of which took about a minute, with 30 seconds of rest between each one, and I was done. In other words, no time at all. And I promise you I worked harder than anyone on any of those machines.

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